X-Frame-Options Header

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The X-Frame-Options is an HTTP response header that is used to indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page within a frame or iframe. Its main function is to prevent clickjacking attacks, which trick a user into clicking something different than what the user perceives the page to be. X-Frame-Options can be used to ensure that content cannot be embedded into other sites via iframe, preventing a malicious site from manipulating the appearance of the content.


X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM uri


Two major directives apply to the X-Frame-Options header:

DENY: No rendering within a frame is allowed.

SAMEORIGIN: The rendering of a page may only happen in a frame on the same origin as the page itself.

ALLOW-FROM uri: A specific webpage can be displayed in a frame.


Utilizing the X-Frame-Options header could look like:

X-Frame-Options: DENY

This would block all attempts to load the page in an iframe.

X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

This would allow the page to be loaded in an iframe, but only on the same domain.

X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM http://example.com/

This would allow the page to be loaded in an iframe, but only on the specified origin.

Browser Compatibility

Browser Compatibility
Chrome Supported
Firefox Supported
Safari Supported
Opera Supported
Edge Supported

How to modify X-Frame-Options header

ModHeader is a browser extension that lets you modify your HTTP request and response headers. Here is how to use it to modify the X-Frame-Options header:

  1. Install and open ModHeader in your Chrome browser.
  2. Click on the 'Request' drop-down in ModHeader interface and select 'Response' to modify response headers.
  3. Click on the plus (+) sign to add a 'Response Header'.
  4. In the name section, enter X-Frame-Options and in the value section, enter the directive for your requirement (e.g., DENY, SAMEORIGIN, or ALLOW-FROM uri).

This can help you test and ensure the correct X-Frame-Options are being set for your website, improving the security of your content. It can also allow you to tweak and experiment with settings during the development process.