Sec-GPC Header

Table of Content

  • Syntax
  • Directives
  • Examples
  • Browser Compatibility
  • How to modify Sec-GPC header The Sec-GPC header, or the Global Privacy Control header, is an HTTP response and request header used specifically to allow the user to communicate their privacy preferences to the server. This enables the user to exercise control over the privacy of their personal information against tracking, data selling, or adverse uses.


Sec-GPC: <value>

Here, <value> can be '0' or '1'. When set to '1', it signifies that the user does not consent to the sale or sharing of their personal information.


The only directive for the Sec-GPC header is the value. Setting the value to '1' signals that the user opts out of the sale or sharing of their personal information.


In order to convey the user's will for privacy :

Sec-GPC: 1

Browser Compatibility

Browser Compatibility
Chrome Supported
Firefox Supported
Safari Not Supported
Opera Not Supported
Edge Supported

How to modify Sec-GPC header

ModHeader is a browser extension for Google Chrome that allows users to modify HTTP request headers. Here's how to use it with the Sec-GPC header:

  1. Install the ModHeader extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Click on the ModHeader icon in your browser to open it.
  3. Click on the '+' button to make a new profile.
  4. In the 'Request Headers' section, click on 'Add'.
  5. Enter 'Sec-GPC' in the 'Name' column, and '1' in the 'Value' column.
  6. Finally, click 'Add'.

Now whenever you make a request, ModHeader will automatically include the Sec-GPC header and set its value to '1', indicating that the user doesn't consent to the sale or sharing of their personal information. This can be very useful in maintaining your online privacy.