From Header

Table of Content

  • Syntax
  • Directives
  • Examples
  • Browser Compatibility
  • How to modify From header The From header serves a highly essential role in HTTP communication protocol, particularly in the request header fields. Its primary function is to report the internet email address of the human user who controls the requesting user agent, creating a line of communication between the client and the server. However, the use of this header field is generally limited to special cases where its benefits supersede privacy concerns.


So, how do you use the From header? The syntax is quite simple. Here's a basic example:



With the From header, you need only one directive: the user's email address, specified after the colon. No additional directives or parameters are required.


Here's an example of how to use the From header in a request:

GET / HTTP/1.1

In some cases, you could use the From header with an anonymous email address to protect user identity, as shown:

GET / HTTP/1.1

Browser Compatibility

The From header is not universally supported across all browsers. Here is a snapshot of its browser compatibility:

Browser Compatibility
Chrome Not Supported
Firefox Not Supported
Safari Not Supported
Opera Not Supported
Edge Not Supported

How to modify From header

ModHeader is a Chrome extension that allows modification of HTTP request headers, including the From header. To use it, click on the ModHeader icon in your Chrome toolbar, then select "Add". In the "Name" field, type "From", and then in the "Value" field, type the desired email address. Once done, all outgoing request headers will include your specified From header. Use this carefully, though, as sending a misconfigured email can potentially violate user privacy or be flagged as suspicious activity.